What does NARVRE offer?. NARVRE represents your interests in Washington by protecting and preserving your retirement benifits..NARVRE will represent you personally, when necessary, on issues related to your retirement benefits, without conflict of interest. Your retirement benefits are our sole reason for being..NARVRE will keep you informed of any developments affecting your railroad retirement bemefits through its legislqtive representatives and monthly NARVE newsletter..NARVRE will provide information that will be useful to current railway employees, veteran railway employees, as well as to retired employees..NARVRE will provide a venue, through unit meetings, for you to air retirement concerns, whether you are a member of an active unit near your home or a member-at-large..NARVRE will let you know to whom in Washington you should write, and when, in order to preserve your retirement benefits.NARVRE has a complete Website on the Internet and may be reached by addressinghttp://www.narvre.us.Everyfacetoftheorganizationispublicinformationandispreparedinavery readableformat.ThesiteoutlinescontactinformationforAsbestosProtection,LongDistanceSavings, MetLife$2000DeathBenefitforthesurvivingSpouse,PrescriptionDrugSavingsandLongTermCareata great savings for NARVRE Members.NARVRE publishes the NARVRE Newsletter ten (10) times per year. It is scheduled to reach your email the first of each month.